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Bundle includes:


Bundle includes:


7-page website

  • Homepage
  • Services Page
  • Our Team / Book Now
  • Gallery
  • Industry Related SEO Articles ( 3 articles included)


1,000 Business Cards


1,000 Flyers


5 Pre-programmed Tap Cards

Mega Boost Bundle - Balance

  • 7-Page Website

    Showcase your skills and services with a professional website. We will collaborate with you every step of the way to ensure that your website reflects your brand and business image.Your website will also be coded to appear correctly on cell phones, and desktop computers.

    We will include search engine friendly coding (SEO) on all pages and will link to your social media profiles. We can link to your existing online booking system or you can purchase online booking setup from us.

    * Annual domain name (www), website hosting (the platform that houses your website) and maintenance costs (updates after we receive your signoff) are separate. Domain name and hosting costs are paid directly to the website hosting service, not BeautyBizPros (Avg. $250/year). You will begin payment for annual hosting fees after your website design is complete.


    1,000 printed business cards

    Glossy 2-sided business cards that feature your business information. QR code linked to your website is included on business card.


    1,000 flyers

    High quality flyers that we design to advertise  your business and services. QR code linked to your website is included on business card.


    5 Pre-programmed tap cards

    A sturdy, durable wallet-sized plastic card that we program to link to your new website. We also link to any other social profiles that you have (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) Clients just tap your digitized card with their phone and links to all your sites will pop up.

    Business Consultation

    Prior to starting any work, we will consult with you to explain in detail the work that will be completed. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions and get a full understanding of all products and services. We will also provide details about the information that will be needed from you in order to deliver your completed package.

Have questions?  Call us at  

©2023 Beauty Biz Pros, LLC

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